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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Time to Organise Again

Finally took leave... im damn bloody tired... and everything is coming at a go... cant breathe liao... so seek approval from my new boss to take leave so that i can take a break... Im damn tired from work and i realise that my pending stuff and "things to do" is in a mess...

I need to sit down, organise, settle some stuff and start the engine running when July starts...

Sigh, heard some bad news from one of my colleague and i feel very sad... Feel that the team aint that strong like the past... Althou new pple are coming in, but it seems like it aint that united anymore... Why lei?

I hope to earn as much as i can before any more changes comes along... Dunno what will we be expecting month after month...

Sigh... Still need to go pray... Hmm... maybe friday i go pray... Hee...

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