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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Why is loving someone so tough?

I always wanted to fall in love with someone and hoping this person would love me the same way. But each time when i love someone, somehow, it will not be what i want it to be wor... weird isnt it? When did u ever hear Dino loving someone? once? twice?

I seldom fall in love de wor... but if i do, that position is not easily being replaced. thats what i told someone before. yet, there aint any faith and trust in me wor.. Yes, of coz i will feel hurt la... feel pain... but what else can i feel wor?

letting it go might be the best way to bring happiness to that person lor... best way is to keep all the memories inside me and will only smile whenever i bring them out. if MIA is the best way, please let me find a hole to stay for a while.

I never wanted to let anyone see me down... i wont let it show.

Finally Dino is weak... finally dino cannot take it no more.

Dino... pack up ur feelings and keep the memories... hope one day that someone would realise that nothing went wrong in the first place. hopefully the love that was given will be accepted.

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