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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Friend Are Just Strangers Whom We Havent Met

These few weeks, i have been knowing a lot of pple... pple from different parts of Singapore!! haha... and surprisingly, these friends are very individual pple... sometimes i find it very hard to understand each of them too....

Friend A of mine, totally professional in things that he does... his doesnt have stunning looks or sweet talker... owns a normal car, starting a new biz, perhaps financially still seeking a consistancy... But the things that he say makes me "wow"... His a man with wisdom... I see him speak, presenting his ideas, conclude and decide.. And he impressed me totally...

Thou so much good things about him, i still think that having more time to understand him more before i make more judgements... U see, human change... and pple tend to show the best of theirs first.. Once we get used to each other... U'll see all the funny funny things come out...

Haha... Well, but im glad i know a friend like him. Cause from him, i was able to take my time to do the things i wanna do, think the things i wanna think... be free with my thoughts without being afraid he would change his impression towards me... :)

Friends are friends forever :)

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