
 Birthday tickers

Friday, June 27, 2008


I have been in this company for 8 months le... these 8 months, i actually very happy, thou some times there may be arguements, challenges, times when we tried hard to hit targets, meet numbers. There are also moments where the entire company and team are enjoying themselves, feeling united, there are times when one or two of us feel really down and even thought of giving up...

Staying at home today just resting, i suddenly recalled all the happy and sad moments that i had been thru the past 8 months... some things became better, some worse... some pple come, some left. 天下无不散之宴席.. I only know i should treasure everyone around me, and the things happening to me... What i want to do, is to put my best effort and focus on each and everything i do.
I had been down for some time... Finally i have time to sit down and think back of the things that i've done, pple i met, and tell myself that... when i grow old, sitting on my rocking chair, i'll be happy and 幸福to tell myself that i have in my life, met the good ones who guided & supported me, and the bad ones who taught and made me learn. I jus wanna be happy, that is why we live.

Someone told me.. 1 + 1 = 2 is a simple theory, why pple try to think that 1 + 1 = 3? We often complicate things and make things unreasonable and try to make things difficult. In actual fact, we can tell pple how good a cup of coffee is, and we can also influence pple to think that the coffee sucks. Its us who can influence pple to think differently. That is why, my mom taught me this.. 病从口入,祸从口出

Learn to make pple think happy things, learn happy things and be happy... Dont be too selfish to keep all the happiness to yourself. Learn to give so that you have room to take.

Be it love, friendship, kinship... It has gotten be given and taken this way. Learn to bring them smiles... This is what my friend told me... A selfless him always want to share the burden, help others, bring happiness to pple instead of hurting others... He aint a saint, his trying his best to be happy in life.

Being happy doesnt need to be taught, you jus learn how to take them with you, then you'll learn how to give them to others.

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