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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Some little things to share Part 1

4 May 2010

Decided to share with my friends and readers on some pregnancy tips.. Many times, we tend to frighten ourselves with many things that we dont know or things that we hear from people.. For me, i usually will do some reading and research and believe in what sounds logical to me... Those myths or things that dun sound logical to me, i will just listen and not take it to heart...

So i decided to share with some things i read and hope u will gain as much i did.. :)

**for those who are male or not pregnant now... it would be useful for u to know to prep urself ok? haha...

How does contraction feel and how ur body helps u to deliver ur precious...?

Article taken from

Some notes that i copied from the article (for lazy readers... lol)

Labor is said to begin when your uterus starts to contract regularly. In the days before the onset of labor, you may experience minor contractions that feel like tightening, and cause discomfort rather than pain. These contractions are important in aligning and positioning the baby for birth.

The first labor pains are grinding, scattered and irregular. Many women describe it as bad menstrual pains. The first labor pains are usually felt in the front site of the pelvis and groin. Pain is mainly caused by pressure on the abdominal and pelvic area due to powerful uterine contractions and stretching of the cervix, vagina and perineum. During labor, contractions increase in frequency and intensity and can become painful.

As labor proceeds, the pains start to appear in the abdomen. The cervix has to stretch to allow your baby to eventually pass through your birth canal. When the opening to the cervix is fully dilated, the second stage of labor - during which your baby is born - starts. As the baby's head advances further, pains are commonly felt at the back, hip and groin area. When the baby's birth is near, stretching of the perineum causes burning sensations. At this stage many women feel like they are going to burst. Majority of them, however, suffer only minor tears, if any, especially if good laboring positions and movement have been used to help the baby to rotate and find the easiest way out.

The baby passes through your birth canal and is born by a combination of the continuing contractions of your uterus, and your conscious effort to push your baby out by using the abdominal muscles. The physical and mental relief after vigorous laboring, and the ecstasy of getting your baby in your arms, are such a victory and pleasure that the last stage of labor - which is the birth of the placenta - is often unnoticed by the mother. As the placenta is much smaller than the baby is, and the birth canal is open, the uterine contractions push the placenta out easily.

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