Yaaahoooo!! New blog skin!
Actually suppose to get it done last week la.. but i lazy... i love the previous skin but i think its time to change la.. otherwise, everyone will get bored of it.. haha... I got 3 options.. but one was a bit.. too... kiddish (but i like it).. the other was a little too... classic...
Well, this skin is a good luck charm for my hopes to have Douglas or Cassandra!! or BOTH! hahaha.. U know hor.. my boss is very positive and encouraging towards me having a baby lei.. i very happy i have a supportive boss despite his "lost in the world" and his "er..." character..
today i shall be a good gal and finish up the book which his suppose to go thru with us this week.. He bought us a book"How to be great in SALES" and expect us to finish and do a review with him.. *faint*
Anyway... blog skin ok ma? or previous one nicer?