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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Baby Baby.. Just For You

I am not a supplement person... And for that somebody in me... I am really swallowing them to make sure that this somebody is gonna be a healthy, cute and bubbly one...

Yes... Morning sickness, nausea what have u... ugly face, tired... and of coz, a fat body cause no one realise that its actually a bump, for the fact that i am alr FAT. argh...

But i know that the things that i am struggling to eat are good for the both of us... Here are some tips for some MTBs... (credits from http://www.pregnancy-calendars.net)

Is Magnesium Safe During Pregnancy?
There are many benefits to ensuring that you are receiving sufficient magnesium in your diet. Manganese plays an important role in the formation of bone, teeth, cartilage, development of your babys inner and outer ears as well as the assists certain enzymes to function properly.
Not only will Magnesium help with those developmental functions, but taking a magnesium supplement while pregnant may also help prevent premature labor. One other pleasant effect of taking magnesium is that it could possibly reduce pregnancy related leg cramping and heartburn.

Protein During Pregnancy
Protein plays an extremely important part in your pregnancy and the development of your baby. The amino acids which make up protein also form the basic building blocks of your body's cells — which in turn also form the building blocks of your baby’s body too.
During the second and third trimester is when you should make sure your protein levels are where they should be, especially as this is when your baby will be growing it’s fastest and that means placing more demand on you for all his/her essential nutrients.

Calcium Intake During Pregnancy
Both you and your developing baby need calcium during your pregnancy. Your baby needs the calcium to grow strong bones, teeth, a healthy heart, nerves, and muscles, normal heart rhythm and blood clotting abilities. You need the additional calcium because your baby is going to be drawing from your calcium in order to grow and develop and if you are not getting enough
calcium for yourself, both you and your baby will suffer.

Folic Acid During Pregnancy
Folic acid - also known as vitamin B9 or folate - is one of the few nutrients which is known to prevent neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida and those women who receive the recommended daily amount will reduce the risk of such birth defects by up to 70%.
This statistic alone should be enough to make you want to ensure that you are receiving the correct amount of folic acid. There are of course other complications which may be avoided if your folic acid intake is sufficient, and these include:
Miscarriage Cleft lip and palate Limb defects Heart defects Blood clots Placental abruption

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