i have come to a point where i dun care who reads my blog. i just want to rant it out and i want to jus say it out.
My FIL has been going arnd telling relatives that i dont let him carry baby. and telling me that since bb is born, he havent carry for 2 hours. COME ON!! im doing a total breastfeeding NOT bottle feeding. Baby wake up means wanna drink, drink finish sleep. tell me, wheres the slot? i did carry bb out before she drinks to let him carry and thats when i feel that shes not gg to cry out loud for the next 5 mins.
when bb sleeps, its the time i sleep or do my stuff like laundry and pack the room or clean the room or even take a break la! he walked into my room today while bb jus fell asleep and say.. "WAKE UP, YEYE carry" WTF??? i went back to the room and stop him! i tell him that if she wakes up, she will want to latch and i got things to do! and he say.. "i can carry what" i tell him.. not carry, she will want to DRINK!!
R u crazy or not? How can one person walk into my room and wake a sleeping baby just cause u want to carry???? have u spare a thought for me?
I do confinement myself, i take care of bb myself so i need to plan my time promptly so that i can do my things. i even have a note book to write down what time bb wake up, what time bb feed, how long on each side, and what time bb fall asleep, and even if she poos or pee at that waking time or not. this is for me to monitor if she drinks enough and remind me what time she will wake up by the duration she drank. DONT MESS WITH MY SCHEDULE!
then my neighbour ask if im TBF, i said yes. he opposed and tell me that i should give FM (formula milk) if not bb bones will not be strong. i told him NO. FM is chemical what, where got FM better than BM one?? then he went on and on and on.. and i tell him, NO WAY
he shoot me back ask me how long i want to feed bb BM, and i replied "ONE YEAR"
he gave me that smirk and shake his head!!!!
How other pple take care of their child i dont bother. but u dun give me those comments machiam im harming my own kid u know??
my MIL also! she even gave me comments like.. "haiya, cause u not working ma... u can la.. u not working.." in a very sarcastic tone. i had enough la.
this confinement and pregnancy made me see MANY MANY things. so disappointed that i got intention of moving back to my own mom house to stay with bb.
Pple who know me shud know.. u want, u come and tell me.. dun need to relay message to everyone. I HATE IT. i will purposely do opposite for u.. trust me.. i can be nice but just dont step on my tail..
U dun help, nevermind. but DO NOT MAKE THINGS WORSE.
ANd yes, i am going to be putting celeste in a infant care if i return back to work. i think its the best choice.
the other day, FIL carried her and he shake her up and down. i explained that her organs are not stable and he should not shake bb... MIL AND FIL tell me,,, "never shake bb wont grow up"
And that is AFTER the news of one bb died when the father shake his bb.. and i even went to tell them its wrong to shake celeste (after seeing FIL shake once before).
So yes, i am sending celeste to infant care. i need a caregiver that is supportive in breastfeeding and i know will let me work in peace.
I am not a bo chap or close one eye person when it comes to my child. i lost my julius last year and i strive thru very hard to have celeste. i wont let anything happen to my child. Taking care of bb is really not like a science experiment, cannot just test test.. wrong liao can redo..
blame me or u can scold me for being such a DIL. but i wont take risk.