have u heard of this? (Fang, if u think hiccups is amazing, this is lagi amazing)
Recently, i keep having the urge to clean up the room esp the tiny corner where the baby cot is.. wherever can be dirty, but not baby's cot, underneath the cot, the fan above it and the wall behind it.. so i told hubby that we are gg to clean up the walls of the room, disinfect it with dettol..
And u know what? i was surfing the net about it (cause i happen to read abt it before).. and i realise that daddies also have nesting instincts de lei.. and i suddenly recalled alvin telling me.. he wants to wash the fan and he will not smoke in the room from Sat onwards and he will throw all the ashtrays in the room.. O.O!!!
Well, heres a link to the article of nesting instincts.. and i have quoted a bit from the site so that u all can have a quick look :)
its interesting and good to share..
"This is a primal instinct and all the females of almost every species in the world will go through this same instinct in one way or another. It is also an old wives tale that this is one of the signs that labor is going to set in shortly. Females of the animal kingdom are all equipped with this same need. It is a primal instinct. Just as you see birds making their nests, mothers-to-be do exactly the same thing"
"Nesting brings about some unique and seemingly irrational behaviors in pregnant women and all of them experience it differently. Women have reported throwing away perfectly good sheets and towels because they felt the strong need to have "brand new, clean" sheets and towels in their home. They have also reported doing things like taking apart the knobs on kitchen cupboards, just so they could disinfect the screws attached to the knobs. Women have discussed taking on cleaning their entire house, armed with a toothbrush. There seems to be no end to the lengths a nesting mother will go to prepare for her upcoming arrival."
"This unusual burst of energy is responsible for women ironing anything in the house that couldn't out run them. Being preoccupied with ant killing, squishing them one at a time for weeks on end. Packing and unpacking the labor bag 50 times. Cleaning the kitchen cupboards and organizing everything by size to the point"
And guess what? im starting to have more intense pain due to Braxton Hicks! I will tell u more in my next post and also share with u what i have bought for Celeste and also my weekly CTGs :)
Cant wait to see my baby girl!!